It’s the final week of the HR department’s countdown to Christmas!
It’s the final week of the HR department’s cHRistmas Countdown and we’re focusing on self-care and wellbeing.
View week 3 and enter into our competition.
If you missed the previous weeks, view Week 1 – Sustainable Christmas and Week 2 – New Year, New Opportunities.
You can still enter into the week 2 competition until 9am on Wednesday!
Congratulations on the following staff members who have won Linc-On vouchers:
Week 1 – Matthew Newman
cHRistmas Countdown at the Organisational Development roadshow – Emma Kinna
You can also enter into our social media competitions on Twitter and Instagram until 6 January.
Merry Christmas from the HR department, and however you are spending the break, we hope it is relaxing and enjoyable!