Staff Parking Consultation Engagement Groups

Staff Parking Consultation Engagement Groups

As part of the University’s response to the Climate Emergency, a number staff engagement groups will be held to focus on car parking and commuting to work. The aim of these groups will be to gather feedback from a cross section of the workforce on the utilisation of onsite parking, and to capture ideas and thoughts on how we may be able to encourage different behaviours around commuting to the workplace in the long-term.

Each workshop will be 1 hour long and will be introduced by DVC Simon Parkes. Workshops will include the opportunity to feedback via and through roundtable discussion groups, on both personal experiences and thoughts on the future of commuting to the workplace. The output from these groups will be taken forward as part of determining future action plans.

Workshops will be held in the Minerva Building in room MB1019 on:

Monday 13th January 11am – 12pm
Monday 13th January 3pm – 4pm
Thursday 16th January 9am – 10am
Thursday 16th January 4pm – 5pm

Refreshments will be provided and you are asked to bring a mobile device with you in order to engage with the polls.

To reserve a place at one of the above discussion groups please email with your preferred date and time.