Gain experience in another department with Admin Insights
Professional services staff are invited to participate in ‘Admin Insights’, which provides the opportunity to work alongside a colleague in a different department to gain experience and insight into that particular work area whilst sharing best practices.
As part of the PDR and Career Pathways process individuals may discuss self-development as part of their current role or part of their overall career development. Admin insights offers a suitable internal vehicle to do this, the line manager must approve this and put the individual in contact with HR.
The programme focuses on the University’s commitment to continuous improvement, offering many potential benefits for staff and departments within the University, including:
- Opportunity to share best practice and allow for self-development
- Allows individuals to view processes they may be involved with from a different angle
- Improve communication across departments, facilities and sites and encourage continuous improvement
- Gain insight in to the responsibilities of other individuals and departments
- Reflect and learn
- Through discussion is allows individuals to review their own work and processes
- Involvement in Admin Insights will allow a greater understanding of different departments and the scheme sits alongside career pathways as a way to view similarities in skill set requirements and see possible development directions for your career at the University.
To view the full programme overview and find out how to apply, visit the Admin Insights page on the HR website.