Right to Work Check Update


Right to Work Check Update

A reminder that the Home Office confirmed on 26th August 2021 an extension to COVID-19 adjusted Right to Work checks until 5th April 2022.

COVID-19 adjusted Right to Work checks (30th March 2020 – 5th April 2022) permit copies of right to work information and checks taking place via video link, rather than in-person checks to present original documentation.

It is hoped and anticipated that the Home Office will look to introduce a new digital solution for all Right to Work checks April 2022.

A reminder that it is essential that all new starters and individuals engaged on a casual basis do not commence work prior to a Right to Work check taking place to avoid the University being liable for a civil penalty. This is very likely to be where the Home Office concentrate audit checks in the coming months.

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  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ