Government Authorised Exchange

Government Authorised Exchange (GAE) visa category

The Temporary Worker – Government Authorised Exchange (GAE) visa category, formerly known as Tier 5, “is for individuals coming to the United Kingdom through approved schemes that aim to share knowledge, experience and best practice.”

In practice, as a Higher Education Institution, we are permitted to use the GAE visa route to sponsor ‘researchers’ (which includes academics, researchers, scientists, research engineers or other skilled research technology specialists) for a maximum duration of 2 years to undertake the following activities:

  • A formal research project or collaboration on University-hosted research where they are not filling an advertised position and the work is additional to the department/faculty/college’s normal requirements
  • A period of work-based training/work experience/internship/placement;
  • Skill development/knowledge transfer;
  • A series of lectures, which doesn’t amount to a formal teaching post;
  • External examinations. (albeit the Permitted Paid Engagement visitor route is more appropriate)

The full criteria for the Higher Education GAE visa scheme can be found at the link below.

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People, Performance and Culture

  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ