Uni Imps Scheme

Uni Imps Scheme

As a benefit of our ongoing relationship with Lincoln City Football Club, staff and students can purchase home league games at a discounted price. 

Tickets cost £10.00 each and individuals can purchase up to 6 tickets maximum. When available, the tickets are announced on Staff News. We are offering reduced entrance by £15 a ticket!

Additional Information

  • The tickets sold through the University are allocated to the University of Lincoln stand in the LNER stadium.
  • Tickets sold routinely through the Uni Imps Scheme are for home league matches only.
  • After the tickets have been announced on the staff news page, they can be purchased through the Sports Centre reception and the University online store.
  • Using a seating chart at the Sports Centre reception or via a confirmation email (online store), the customers can chose where they wish to sit *subject to availability

They are sold at the Sports Centre, please produce your University ID when buying tickets.

Any queries please contact sportscentre@lincoln.ac.uk

People, Performance and Culture

  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ