NHS Pensions

NHS Pensions

The NHS Pension scheme is a pension scheme for people who work for NHS England.  It is administered by the NHS Business Service Authority, a special authority of the Department of Health.  As a Directions Employer the University is able to provide this scheme for Clinical Academics who work in our Medical School.

The NHS Pension scheme now provides benefits to all members under the 2015 scheme. The 1995/2008 scheme is closed for future accrual but pension benefits already built up are protected.

NHS Employers have published a helpful infographic to explain removing age discrimination in the NHSPS. As a reminder staff who joined the NHSPS on or before 31 March 2012 and who were still members of the scheme on 1 April 2015 will be eligible for the age discrimination remedy, regardless of whether they previously received full, tapered or no protection. 

Click here to learn more.

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