MyView is the University’s employee and manager self-serve provision, giving you the ability to view/amend your personal data, book leave, and view payslips. If you have any queries or issues with MyView, email
Access MyView
MyView can be accessed on all University desktops by clicking the icon. If you are Mac user you will need to use the Cloud Desktop to see the icon. Simply click on the MyView icon to open up the programme.
You can also access MyView here.
Use your individual University username and password details to log in.
If you have both staff and student University of Lincoln email accounts, please ensure you use the appropriate account when logging into MyView.
E.g., student account for claiming Campus Jobs hours, and staff account for claiming Associate Lecturer/Demonstrator hours.
Line Managers
For those staff with line management responsibility you will have additional functions and services that are aimed to support you in your line management role.
These include the ability to review sickness data, team structure overview, contacts and training records through the My People tab.
You will also review and authorise your team’s annual leave requests through MyView. Through the Reporting Services widget you will be able to review your team’s people demographic profile through simple data graphic reports.