Policy and Strategy

Policy and Strategy

While our inclusion strategy and policy are currently under review and are being revamped to better align them with our strategic goals and civic responsibilities; you can read the University of Lincoln’s Commitment to Equality & Diversity statement below:

This statement, along with the University’s One Community Values, establishes the University’s commitment to Equality and Diversity.

Our commitment is to actively promote an organisational culture where individual difference is appreciated and respected, ensuring equitable and fair treatment for all. Therefore, fair treatment is a basic principle with which we treat our staff, students, visitors, associates and our suppliers.

We will actively foster an environment that is free from unfair and unlawful discrimination and harassment and will not accept practices that unlawfully discriminate on the basis of a person’s protected characteristic; age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, race, religion, sexual orientation, and/or marriage and civil partnerships, maternity and pregnancy.

As part of its commitment to Equality and Diversity the University will:

  • Build the principles of fair and objective practice into the way we manage our business, via our policies and practices.
  • Review, policy and practices regularly and where improvement is identified, action will be taken.
  • Foster a culture and environment where harassment, bullying, or any other intimidating or offensive behaviour, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Communicate our commitment to promote Equality and Diversity; including providing training opportunities to all staff.
  • Annually evaluate and publish the University’s performance against its Equality Objectives.
  • Reflect diversity in our marketing materials and communication literature.
  • Not tolerate any breach of our equality and diversity statement; any such breach will be treated seriously.

All members of the University’s community are expected to take personal responsibility for upholding this commitment through their behaviour and to promote Equality and Diversity in all aspects of their working environment and academic activities.

People, Performance and Culture

  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ